About Laura

Laura Little is a Ceramicist based in her home town of Glasgow. Having graduated from The Glasgow School of Art with a BA (Hons): Design Ceramics, she moved into the Glasgow Ceramics Studio sharing studio space with 20 other Ceramicists from around the world.

Laura originally became interested in ceramics while studying at The University of Glasgow, where she gained her first degree, B.Sc Archaeology.  Part of the course in third year was a module on Ceramic Archaeology.  Showing how to identify the origin, date, methods and materials used in the making.  The module included a visit to The Glasgow School of Art Ceramics Department, where the students could have a hands on try of the wheel and also hand building.

After graduation and for the next 5 years she took part in excavations around Great Britian and France, with a mixture of time periods ranging from Neolothic, Bronze Age, Iron Age, Roman, Medieval, Victorian, and including sites up until the 2nd World War.  All of which of course contained ceramic finds.

Deciding to take it further she then applied to the Art School studying for another 4 years.  She is still interested in the History around her and creates model steam locomotives out of clay by looking at the designs made at the North British Locomotive Co. Ltd., which was based in Glasgow up until the 1960’s.

Most of her work is based on children’s fairy tales, producing a variety of Night Lights, which come as Houses and Pirates Ships, Clocks based on Rapunzel’s tower, and of course a range of Hippo Banks, Ducks , Jewellery and Christmas decorations.

Laura has also taken part in a project with a Primary School building a mosaic to celebrate the schools 50th Anniversary, also weekend classes for children through the Regional Council.

Rapunzel's Tower Clock
Light House Night Light
Wizard's House Night Light
Laura Little Ceramics
Sweetie House Night Light
Ceramic Hippo Piggy Bank
Ceramic Ducks
Prairie House
Rapunzel's Tower Clock Light House Night Light Wizard's House Night Light Laura Little Ceramics ec066781-fb96-4d88-b840-93212bb786a3 Sweetie House Night Light 57769e91-369a-4ec8-91ce-64840b574289 Ceramic Hippo Piggy Bank 4002b2e7-5456-4de0-91f8-b95c429e7165 Ceramic Ducks 4002b2e7-5456-4de0-91f8-b95c429e7165 f2aafc15-4fba-406e-aaa2-9972eb73b369 SONY DSC SONY DSC Prairie House